Seismic improvement of the walls of the building called "Villa la Palajuola" located in Fiesole (FI).
Ing. Giovanni Cerretini
The building's stone-brick perimeter walls have been consolidated using unidirectional carbon fiber fabrics applied with two-component epoxy resins and arranged horizontally, vertically and diagonally on both sides and connected with carbon flakes; while on those inside the building a bi-directional carbon mesh was applied on both sides by lime-based mortars and connected by the insertion of aramid fiber flakes inglired with epoxy resins.
Prospetto esterno
Consolidamento delle fondazioni con MINIPAOLO GEOSYSTEM
Vista della parete consolidata
Prospetto esterno
Restoration, consolidation and seismic improvement of a building located in Mondovi (CN)
Ing. Giuseppe Battaglia
The old masonry built villa has been the subject of the new renovation owner to make it more functional. Building a new underground garages for the storage of the machines, make the interior spaces more functional and achieve a seismic improvement of the whole villa. The work phases were first concentrated in the consolidation of the foundations on the downstream side where there were some shallow sagging mainly due to a landslide in the vicinity, using a new patented "MINIPALO GEO-SYSTEM" system. Subsequently we have gone on to consolidate the vaults with carbon fiber fabrics embedded in an epoxy matrix, and to reinforce the walls with basalt fiber fabrics embedded in a cement matrix and to counteract the cutting moments on the walls we used a new connector studied and patented specifically in the Edilsystem laboratories.
Adaptation and seismic improvement of the walls of the former psychiatric hospital located in Girifalco (CZ), for the purpose of enlargement.
Ing. Michele Candela
In the existing part of the building, made entirely of stone-brick masonry, we intervened on consolidation using unidirectional galvanized steel fiber fabrics, applied with lime base matrix and arranged both horizontally and vertically to form a reticular mesh.
The fabrics arranged vertically were then connected to the existing foundation in CLS, with the technique of MINIPALO GEO-SYSTEM® and steel angles.
Messa in sicurezza edificio produttivo
Messa in sicurezza edificio produttivo
Messa in sicurezza edificio produttivo
Messa in sicurezza edificio produttivo
Securing a productive building, Acquasanta Terme (AP), hit by the earthquake of 24 August 2016, which affected the whole of central Italy.
Arch. Lo Parco – ufficio tecnico comunale di Acquasanta Terme
The building completely masonry is adjacent to a municipal road with heavy vehicular traffic, so there is the problem of intervening, for the safety, with systems that went to counter the kinematic collapse and that however did not go to obstruct both public spaces and did not go to reduce the roadway of adjacent streets.
The choice of the type of intervention used, first of all took into account the relative speed of application that allowed to solve a dangerous condition in a very short time; secondly, but not less important is the possibility that these interventions are less invasive. So we focused on a system that uses wooden morals arranged both vertically and horizontally, surrounded by a system of steel ropes both perimeter and passing through the external walls.
Impermeabilizzazione copertura Castello Orsini-Colonna.
Impermeabilizzazione copertura Castello Orsini-Colonna.
Impermeabilizzazione copertura Castello Orsini-Colonna.
Impermeabilizzazione copertura Castello Orsini-Colonna.
Waterproofing of Castello Orsini-Colonna di Avezzano (AQ) with the "POLIUREA" system sprayed.
Arch. S. Pepe dell’ ufficio tecnico comunale di Avezzano
The Orsini-Colonna castle is a castle located in the municipality of Avezzano. It was wanted in 1490 by Gentile Virginio Orsiniche built it around the remains of the destroyed tower of Gentile da Palearia, lord of Manoppello. In 1902 it was declared a national monument.
The devastations that were caused by the earthquake of 1915 and the bombings of the Second World War greatly altered the refined appearance of the castle which, following some renovations in the 1960s and an excavation operation carried out in 1970, was recently renovated with the creation of a conference hall and a room for a picture gallery.
The current covering layer was made of a bituminous sheath fabric which deteriorated with time and showed several water infiltrations.
The choice of the type of intervention used, has first of all taken into account the fact that internal spaces are always accessible; for this reason it was decided to use a system that avoids the removal of the current bituminous sheath, which, despite the deterioration, gave a certain protection to the underlying rooms; therefore, it was decided to intervene with the POLIUREA system, a system that uses an elastomeric waterproofing membrane in two-component polyurea, extremely elastic, with instant hardening, sprayed by high-pressure and high-temperature bi-mixer machine, as soon as the mixture is sprayed, using an airless gun, solidifies within a few seconds.
After hardening, the membrane is characterized by high performance in terms of impermeability, toughness, elasticity, resistance to impact and abrasion and is walkable; subsequently the membrane has been protected with a protective roller paint.
Seismic adjustment of the piezometric tower (hanging tank) located in the municipality of mezzanine (PV)
Ingegner Claudio Braggio
The seismic adjustment intervention performed on the elements in c.a. (beams and pillars) had the purpose of increasing the shear and flexural strength, as well as the improvement of knot joints.
To achieve this result, sandblasting of the entire concrete was carried out, restoration with fiber-reinforced mortars, application of carbon fabrics, smoothing with fine mortar and protective polyurethane varnish.
Finally, the summit tank was reinforced and waterproofed.
Consolidamento strutturale ponte di Via Nazionale sul Fiume Po in comune di Paesana (CN)
Consolidamento strutturale ponte di Via Nazionale sul Fiume Po in comune di Paesana (CN)
Consolidamento strutturale ponte di Via Nazionale sul Fiume Po in comune di Paesana (CN)
Consolidamento strutturale, adeguamento sismico, del Ponte di Via Nazionale sul Fiume Pò nel comune di Paesana (CN)
Ingegner Giuseppe Battaglia, dello Studio Associato di Ingegneria Battaglia – Mulattieri
The reinforcement works were concentrated on the reinforced concrete structure by reconstructing high-strength mortars of all the damaged parts, the plating of the cross beams with Corten type B steel elements.
Reinforcement of longitudinal structures by lamellas and fabrics in carbon fiber. Structural connections between arches and decks through the execution of perforations and installation of steel tie rods.
Stiffening of the deck with fabrics in high resistance galvanized steel fiber of 3300 g / sqm, made up of steel micro-plates and glued with epoxy resins.
The consolidation operation carried out, in addition to improving the strength of the structure has allowed to significantly reduce the vibrations that occurred when passing heavy vehicles.
Subsequently with four trucks positioned on the structure, the test was carried out with the result that the bridge has undergone a "flexion" of only 7 millimeters along its entire length.
Consolidamento e miglioramento sismico della palestra dell’ Opera Salesiana San Giovanni Bosco dell’Aquila (AQ).
Consolidamento e miglioramento sismico della palestra dell’ Opera Salesiana San Giovanni Bosco dell’Aquila (AQ).
Consolidamento e miglioramento sismico della palestra dell’ Opera Salesiana San Giovanni Bosco dell’Aquila (AQ).
Consolidamento e miglioramento sismico della palestra dell’ Opera Salesiana San Giovanni Bosco dell’Aquila (AQ).
Consolidation and seismic adaptation of the gym of the Salesian Opera San Giovanni Bosco dell'Aquila (AQ).
Ing. Daniele Parigi
On the completely reinforced concrete building, the beams were reinforced using unidirectional carbon fiber both sheared and bending and applied with epoxy matrix, while on the pillars was applied a jalousie made with S275JR steel plates.
Work of the utmost urgency for the consolidation and structural rehabilitation of the pillars in c.a. severely damaged of the arch bridge on the Flaminia SR3 road at KM 112 + 300 in loc. Spoleto (PG).
Ing. Andrea Rapicetta
The structural rehabilitation project involved the demolition of all the parts of highly damaged concrete, the passivation of the visible reinforcement bars and the re-profiling up to the original section with very high resistance fibroarmed mortars. Subsequently the structural reinforcement was carried out by applying carbon fiber fabrics.
Adeguamento sismico della palestra dela “Scuola dell’infanzia primaria e secondaria” Ferruccio Ulivi loc. Poggio Moiano, Rieti (RI).
Adeguamento sismico della palestra dela “Scuola dell’infanzia primaria e secondaria” Ferruccio Ulivi loc. Poggio Moiano, Rieti (RI).
Adeguamento sismico della palestra dela “Scuola dell’infanzia primaria e secondaria” Ferruccio Ulivi loc. Poggio Moiano, Rieti (RI).
Adeguamento sismico della palestra dela “Scuola dell’infanzia primaria e secondaria” Ferruccio Ulivi loc. Poggio Moiano, Rieti (RI).
Seismic adaptation of the gym of the "Primary and secondary nursery school" Ferruccio Ulivi loc. Poggio Moiano, Rieti (RI).
Arch. Cicolani Lorenzo
The result requested by the Municipality was to simulate the gym adjacent to the school also Ferruccio Ulivi following the continuous shock simios present on the area.
The intervention involved both the roof and the external walls.
The roof made of a slab in SAP was consolidated in the intradosal part of all the joists of the floor using unidirectional carbon fiber fabrics embedded in epoxy matrix, while for the extradosal part, a reinforced reinforced CLS slab was realized with electro-welded mesh connected to the floor with connectors.
To cancel, or at least cushion the effects of the earthquake, reinforcements have been made with steel tubes positioned in the most stressed areas, connected to the structure with steel plates and bolts.
Restauro e consolidamento dei solai in legno dell’edificio denominato “ Procuratue Vecchie” in Piazza San Marco a Venezia (VE)
Restauro e consolidamento dei solai in legno dell’edificio denominato “ Procuratue Vecchie” in Piazza San Marco a Venezia (VE)
Restauro e consolidamento dei solai in legno dell’edificio denominato “ Procuratue Vecchie” in Piazza San Marco a Venezia (VE)
Restauro e consolidamento dei solai in legno dell’edificio denominato “ Procuratue Vecchie” in Piazza San Marco a Venezia (VE)
Restoration and consolidation of the wooden floors of the building called "Procuratue Vecchie" in Piazza San Marco in Venice (VE).
Arch. Gretchem Harischfeger Alexsnder
Venice Plan Ingegneria srl
Ing. Franco Forcellini
The Procuratie are imposing buildings that arise in Venice, in the Sestiere of San Marco, and which wrap St. Mark's Square on three sides. They take their name from the fact that the procurators of San Marco were staying there. They are divided into three wings that almost entirely delimit the part of the square in front of the Basilica of San Marco: the Procuratie Vecchie in the north, the Napoleonic Wing in the west and the Procuratie Nuove in the south. The Procuratie Vecchie extend for 152 meters, from the Torre dell'Orologio to the Napoleonic Wing, with a portico of 50 arches, which correspond to the 100 windows of the two upper floors. Although they are closed round, the lightness of the openings recalls the Venetian-Byzantine style of the first procuratie, built in the twelfth century under the doge Sebastiano Ziani (visible in the famous painting by Gentile Bellini "The procession in Piazza San Marco") and intended to apartments for prosecutors "de citra", very high magistrates. These, partly damaged by fire at the beginning of the 16th century, were demolished and rebuilt in the period from 1517 to 1538. Currently they house shops on the ground floor and offices on the upper floors. Until the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, most of them were the headquarters of Assicurazioni Generali.
The redevelopment project, covering approximately 12,000.00 square meters of wooden floors and covering about 700 wooden beams, is still underway; the works entirely financed by the ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI spa were entrusted entirely to the company SACAIM spa in Venice.
Our company, Edilsystem srl, has dealt, on behalf of the Soc. Sacaim spa, the consolidation of the deteriorated wooden beams and the reinforcement with the increase in the flow rates of the wooden decks.
Many heads of wooden beams showed deterioration due in part to the signs of aging and partly to some water infiltrations.
These were treated, case by case, according to the necessity and degree of deterioration; on some heads there was a reconstruction of the damaged part with epoxy beton jets (a mixture of epoxy resins and quartz sands of various granulometry) reinforced with glass fiber and / or stainless steel bars.
In other cases, the head was reconstructed using the lamellar wood technique realized on site, that is, coupling together wooden planks in larch and / or fir C24 glued with epoxy resin.
To increase the flow rates of the floors, we used 4 cm thick OSB 4 and / or Plywood panels glued with epoxy resins to the old planks, connected to the supporting beams with 14 cm long screws, positioned at variable distances, all according to the design indications.
Ripristino del sottopasso di via Torino dell’Autostrada A5 Torino-Quincinetto nel Comune di Beinasco, del sistema autostradale tangenziale di Torino della società ATIVA .
Ripristino del sottopasso di via Torino dell’Autostrada A5 Torino-Quincinetto nel Comune di Beinasco, del sistema autostradale tangenziale di Torino della società ATIVA .
Ripristino del sottopasso di via Torino dell’Autostrada A5 Torino-Quincinetto nel Comune di Beinasco, del sistema autostradale tangenziale di Torino della società ATIVA .
Ripristino del sottopasso di via Torino dell’Autostrada A5 Torino-Quincinetto nel Comune di Beinasco, del sistema autostradale tangenziale di Torino della società ATIVA .
Restoration of the via Torino subway of the A5 Turin-Quincinetto motorway in the Municipality of Beinasco, of the Turin tangential highway system of the ATIVA company.
Arch. Cicolani Lorenzo
The planned work, restoration of the structures in c.a. relating to the Underpass of Via Torino present at km 18 + 143.44 along the Tangenziale Sud di Torino in the Municipality of Beinasco, is included in a series of extraordinary maintenance interventions.
The goal is the consolidation of the wing walls and the shoulders of the current underpass, which becomes necessary as a result of the significant situation of static instability and deterioration of the current structures, with the aim of carrying out structural and structural restoration measures deemed to be more appropriate and less invasive.
The consolidation work focused on stabilizing and restoring the bridge wing walls made of CLS gravity without reinforcement, where there are important injuries due to the pushing of the ground behind.
The designed intervention consists in the seaming of the lesions with iron bars with improved adhesion inserted in perforations carried out simply by rotating with electric core drills to avoid creating too many vibrations, and subsequently injected with specific cementitious products.
The deteriorated concrete, after preventive hydrodemolition for the elimination of all the parts in phase of separation, has been restored with fiber-reinforced cementitious mortars.
Subsequently, work was carried out by positioning tie-rods to contain the shoulders made of pre-tensioned harmonic steel strands, as well as creating drainage holes to facilitate the escape of excess water into the soil behind the shoulders.
Moreover, with the Widian disk mounted on an electric wall cutter, expansion joints have been made to facilitate the movement of the structure.
Consolidamento strutturale del Ponte di S. Pietro sul fiume Mera nel comune di Samolaco (SO) e fa parte della strada provinciale SP2 che unisce Novate e Mezzola.
Consolidamento strutturale del Ponte di S. Pietro sul fiume Mera nel comune di Samolaco (SO) e fa parte della strada provinciale SP2 che unisce Novate e Mezzola.
Consolidamento strutturale del Ponte di S. Pietro sul fiume Mera nel comune di Samolaco (SO) e fa parte della strada provinciale SP2 che unisce Novate e Mezzola.
Consolidamento strutturale del Ponte di S. Pietro sul fiume Mera nel comune di Samolaco (SO) e fa parte della strada provinciale SP2 che unisce Novate e Mezzola.
Structural consolidation of the Ponte di S. Pietro on the river Mera in the municipality of Samolaco (SO) and is part of the SP2 provincial road linking Novate and Mezzola.
Ing. Ezio Giuriani
The bridge was built in the 30s on the basis of the project ing. Barresi of 1929. The structure in c.a. it is made up of seven spans of 15.9 m of light (Fig. 1) resting on 6 piles in a c. covered with stone and shoulders in c.a.
During the inspection of 04/11/2016, significant signs of deterioration were found on the intrados of the Gerber shelves.
Worrying was the situation of the third orographic left side span, given that the concrete cover had been partly expelled from the corrosion of the reinforcements and the reinforcements appeared to be compromised by the corrosion itself. The design of the reinforcement intervention was drawn up for a maximum load consisting of three axles of 13 t and a fourth axle of 6 t, which runs at a maximum speed of 20 km / h and on a single lane. The reinforcement intervention was carried out using dywidag d-type tie rods. 32 mm. Near the supports the tie rods have been laid inclined to support the Gerber brackets, while in the span they are horizontal and run along the intrados of the ribs. To carry out the installation of the tie-rods it was necessary to drill the slab close to the supports and subsequently to put in place steel devices for deflecting the tie rods to the intrados and above the supports. Some devices have been fixed to the existing structure by means of pins d. 16 mm. The tie rods have been requested with actions between 20 t and 35 t in order to obtain an active post-tensioning system. The tensioning was made using hollow jacks.
Seismic improvement of a residential building named "Palazzo Moscardi" following the earthquake of 6 April 2009 in Loc. L’Aquila (AQ)
Ing. Roberto Arduini
The intervention consists of the plating of the reinforced concrete pillars through metal plates with the so-called "beton plaquè" technique, the insertion of HEA beams inside the masonry floors with the function of new section breakers and the reinforcement of the rampant stairs with carbon fiber fabrics.
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